“Ting ting ting ting…” You can hear the ice cream man’s bell way down the block long before you can even see him yet. I remember when I was small my folks often bought ice cream from the ice cream man on a Sunday afternoon. But over the years the ice cream man has disappeared off our streets. Until now. Lately this guy has been doing the rounds through our neighbourhood on Sundays. Every now and then we buy ice creams from him and I imagine that he must do quite well around here cause he’s back every Sunday. When last have you stopped the ice cream man?
July 3rd, 1997.
Seriouslt though, I haven't seen one in a residential area for many years. When I was young I used to want to be the ice-cream man; but decided that would never happen, since there was probably only one of him. (And boy were his legs tired.)
Ha! We used to have one but he doesn't come anymore.
i remember met one in Wilderness, 8 years ago!
wow – I have not seen an ice cream man in years!
Like Davidseven, I used to want to be an ice-cream man when I was little! I rememebr waiting in the afternoons to pick up my brother from Grey and every afternoon one of these woudl trundle down College Drive ringing his bell. And there used to be tons on the beachfront. The moment when he lifted the lid of the coller box and yuo got to see what was available was always a small thrill. More innocent times…