Gamtoos Valley Farm House

The Gamtoos River Valley around Hankey and Patensie is an absolutely stunning area. This last weekend we went camping next to the bottom section of the Gamtoos River at a camp site called Wackey Woods. Saturday morning we drove to Loerie and Melon, but unfortunately not all the way up the valley to Patensie. The area is mainly a farming area and I couldn’t help but to stop next to the road leading to Loerie to take a photo of this farm scene. The orange trees are Silver Leave Oaks in flower.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Marcelle

    wow what an awesome looking place…love the contrast of the brown ground and the green hill..really eye catching.

  2. Chuckle, chuckle! I will not show this beautiful photo to my children. When they were little and naughty (while we were living in PE) my next best thread to “I'm sending you back to 'Rent-a-Kid' was, “You're going to boarding school in Hankey”. I love the colours in this photo.

  3. Gaelyn

    Love the pastorial setting. The orange flowers on the oaks give it a fall like appearance, if you were on this side of the world.

  4. Janet

    What a peaceful old farm. I can imagine walking along the fields in the hot sunshine, feeding the chicks, and enjoying the quiet!

  5. That really is beautiful Jonker, but then, in summer, the Cape has to be one of the most beautiful areas.

  6. Perry

    I never think of where you live looking anything like this. I can find similar farms and houses here. What a diverse area you live in.

  7. Avril

    Beautiful !! Love the contrasts in colours. Would make a perfect painting!

  8. Anonymous

    A beautiful picture that brings back lots of memorable moments that I have enjoyed on that farm and as a kid living (1958 till 1971)in that very same old farmhouse which was originally built in the 1800s.

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