Now here’s a photo you never thought you’ll see on PEDP. I was lucky enough to capture this in the Addo Elephant National Park just outside Port Elizabeth some time ago. I did make one adjustment to the picture though. The female had a tracking collar on which I took out using Coral. The interesting thing about lions is that the male can mate with the female in heat every 20 minutes. Its like clockwork and you can just about set your watch to it.
GPS: 33°30’50.98″S, 25°45’16.33″E
i can not remember a shot like this on “City Daily Photo” So you have sent of a UNIQUE shot!:-)
wow yeah, now THAT's something most of us can't hope observe in their 'backyard' lol . great capture!
A porno site?? My goodness Jonker!! Couldn't they find a hotel somewhere? LOL!!Great shot there and just kidding about all the above of course. You should have got one where he bites the back of her neck too. Now THAT would have caused some excitement. 🙂
that reminds me of the story of a little boy asking his mother how do lions make love ? and the mother replied sorry son, I dont know, all your father's friends belong to the Rotary !!!
Awesome capture Jonker. It looks like the male is licking the female. Nice job removing the collar.
In my next life, I want to come back as a lion, hehe.
He is biting her neck. I have cats and that was the strangest thing for me when they first started mating…he would hold her in place by biting into the back of her neck. Poor thing…a week of that and she barely had any fur left. So I took to putting a little makeshift “aviators cap” on her head when they'd go in heat. I'd take a thick sock, cut off the toe, cut 2 openings for her ears and 2 openings in the ankle for her front legs. She's Persian so she looked really funny…hair tufting out all over the place but her tiny little head in the cap and her ears jutting out. Finally I got them both fixed and retired the aviator cap :o)
Love the little story “anonymous” posted about Lions and Rotary members -:))Of further interest is the verification word i see below to allow me to post this comment …suplethat they are for sure … and every 20 minutes? Good Grief!
wow – what a great shot to get. I have never even seen the lions at Addo never mind get close enough to get a fantastic shot like this.Awesome!
Ha! Got to admit this caught my eye. Every 20 minutes….?
Well, if male lions have anything to do about it, their species will never become extinct!
Yup, my first thought is “get a room, Simba!!” Great shot! (yours, I mean ;-))