Last week when I popped down to the Campanile to take some photos of the bells, I also took a photo of Strand Street where it runs under the freeways. Don’t think it’s anybody’s favorite part of town what with being covered by the freeways, having a bad reputation dating back some time for crime and having taxi’s race up and down the whole time. What does get me though is the 2010 FIFA World Cup branding that is still up on the pillars. I think the municipality and the MBDA is missing a trick by not getting graffiti artists to decorate the pillars under the freeway like what has happened in Newtown in Jozi. It could make the area quite a popular spot for urban tourists and photographers.
Driving down Strand Street
- Post author:fitravel
- Post published:08/05/2016
- Post category:Uncategorized
- Reading time:1 mins read
Tags: city centre