See that I have been showing off some of our beaches so far, I decided to stick to the topic today and show you two more.
Humewood Beach is the oldest Blue Flag beach in South Africa. It is a very family friendly beach situated next to the old slipway pillars. Before the construction of the harbour in the 1930’s, the Humewood slipway was used to repair boats. Boats sailed in between the pillars before being pulled up the slipway. Today the slipway and pillars are popular for snorkeling and scuba diving training.
Kings Beach is seen as Port Elizabeth’s main beach. It is a long stretch of sandy beach stretching from McArthur Pool up to the harbour wall. Another of PE’s Blue Flag beaches, it is very popular for both bathing as well as just taking a long walk. The beach is also popular for lifesaving competitions. Our 3rd Blue Flag beach is Wells Estate on the northern side of the city.