Every now and then I get a request via e-mail from people who used to live in Port Elizabeth asking me to take a photo of a spot that holds a significant place in their memories. I have to be honest and say that I haven’t really made lots of effort to go out and look for those places, but that is now changing. Over the last week or so I have spent my lunch hours looking for places and graves all over PE and these photos I will be posting from time to time.
I received e-mails from Darin and Mike within days of each other both asking me to post a pic of a spot at the end of Mill Park Road in Mill Park. Both said that the spot was the ideal place to just sit and wind down after a hard day. The view from the bench takes in the Baakens Valley with Walmer on the other side.
A leafy suburban vista. Pehaps one of the ghosts from the previous post will come and sit on the bench in the night.
Hi – I lived on Mill Park Rd in the 50s and 60s and fondly remember that bench. Thanks for the memories!
What a great spot to just sit and think. I would love the see the view of the lights at night.
Wonderful photo – I always consider the view from the bottom upwards, never noticed the bench high on the cliff top.Have you tried one of your panorama shots from this spot?
Big fan on any bench photo. Great capture.
I managed to find this on Google street view. PE looks very good on this service.
It is a great view. That's nice of you to take photo requests.
What a great idea, and it's a fine view.