at lunchtime for a walk and a couple of pics. This person was coming down the beach towards me with the Port Elizabeth harbour wall in the background and I couldn’t help but to snap one to see what it would come out like.
Beach stroll
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So relaxing and stress free…… Diane
Love it!! Bare feet, shoes in hand – what a way to spend a lunch hour !!! Thanks for your comment on my WW – bad luck with your Survivor attempts .. next time maybe. But rather go on holiday, it would be far more relaxing than trying to survive on an island with all the bickering between fellow contentants and eating funny stuff or not eating at all and getting sunburnt and .. and .. My son is, this week, in Swaziland, as the medic for a survivor type thing for Sports Illustrated and he says one of the chaps is the presenter from Survivor. They all had to do a canopy flight this morning – he was lucky enough to be included. I suppose he'll be going along with all the things they do in case one of them gets hurt.He was a medic, a few years ago, for the Russian Survivor series filmed in Natal.
OH Firefly – just what I need! A walk on soft sand, with the salt and sea in the air! A lovely photograph – I am imagining being that walker!
Nice shot! You sure have had a great winter to be on the beach.
Love that beach photo….I miss the beach so much…cant wait for Cape Town in October ~ did u blow Table Mountain a kiss from me??
Great snap guy! Good thing you went for the walk. One to print for the wall!Oh, you have no manual mode on your camera for long exposures? No way to get work to spring for a camera for promotional needs? 🙂
I am ready for some R&R on a beach. 🙂 Great shot Jonker, it has a lot of atmosphere.
That silvery ocean is exquisite. I feel soothed just looking at your photo!