Game reserve roads

It's been very dry around here since early winter last year, but over the last week or two we've luckily had some good rains in Port Elizabeth and the surrounding areas. This was quite evident on my visit to Pumba Game Reserve. The grass was lush and green and this makes the roads around the game reserve stand out very nicely. For some reason I just like a two track path through the bush. It has a certain exploring quality…


By request………

Pule asked us to show Govan Mbeki looking the other way from the City Hall towards North End. Why are robots only green when you WANT a red light? I was late for a meeting and did not have time to find parking and walk back. So this is the best we could do as we had to go with the traffic flow.


A work in progress

This is the section of Govan Mbeki Ave between Russell Rd and The bottom of Donkin Hill. It is currently under construction, to upgrade it along similar lines to the section near the City Hall. At the moment, perhaps the best thing that can be said is "watch this space!"


Left: Big 5 vs Right: Not Big 5

Yeah, yeah... I keep on threatening that I want to try out a couple of creative ways to take a self portrait, but I prefer being behind the camera which means that I am avoiding a self portrait photo shoot as long as possible.I got to spend the night at Pumba Private Game Reserve last night along with a couple of international journalists. On our afternoon game drive we encountered a male lion and I couldn't resist the temptation to…

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Govan Mbeki again

This was taken this morning. The street was not as busy as one would expect for a Saturday morning, maybe it will change once all the building operations are complete further down, we'll show that tomorrow,

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Govan Mbeki

We were recently asked to show the upgraded Govan Mbeki Street. This is a composite shot, showing the view back towards the city hall, and showing one of the new street vendor's shelters.


days gone by

This colourful bit of playground equipment in St George's Park is designed to commemorate the "Voortrekkers" or pioneers who opened up the interior of South Africa in the early years. It all looks entertaining and romantic from this perspective, but imagine what it must have been like for a whole family to live in this cramped space, being jolted along for months on end, heading into unknown territory, with danger on all sides. They were exceptional people.


Hector Peterson Memorial

The Hector Peterson Memorial is situated in the heart of Soweto. Soweto is South Africa's biggest township and is part of the city of Johannesburg. Hector Peterson became the iconic image of the 1976 Soweto uprising in apartheid South Africa when a news photograph by Sam Nzima of the dying Hector being carried by a fellow student, was published around the world. The young man carrying Hector went to ground immediately after the photo was published, fled to Mozambique and…


The Spotted Cow

I was in the upgraded Parliament Street last week, for a political meeting, (COPE, in case you are curious :) )which was held at the Spotted Cow. This is a really interesting place, a cocktail bar, with a sports bar attached, in what used to be a church hall. It still has the wooden vaulted ceiling and arched windows, but the interior has been modernised with a stainless steel mezzanine and a massive screen on the opposite wall for projecting…