days gone by

This colourful bit of playground equipment in St George’s Park is designed to commemorate the “Voortrekkers” or pioneers who opened up the interior of South Africa in the early years. It all looks entertaining and romantic from this perspective, but imagine what it must have been like for a whole family to live in this cramped space, being jolted along for months on end, heading into unknown territory, with danger on all sides. They were exceptional people.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Firefly

    I remember playing on those when we were small. That was a good… *mumble* …years ago. Brings back memories.

  2. Hilda

    “They were exceptional people.” I completely agree! I’d definitely rather have this than the real thing.

  3. Kate

    The playground looks like a child’s paradise! It’s not only colourful but whimsical as well.

  4. John U

    We can’t comprehend the hardships of early years. I recall reading of a migrant who landed in Cape Town and paid £5 for a carter to carry his bags. He slept under the cart at night and walked beside it during the day – all the way to Kimberley.

  5. Anonymous

    Oh, I’m so glad they still have the ox wagon!!! Boy, does that bring back memories–like Firefly, a good many years ago, St Georges park was THE place to be on days off school. 🙂

  6. Ordinarylife

    I am sorry if this comment appears twice, but I don’t think my first one worked.this photo brings back such memories. There was a picture of my brother and I on the front page of the Herald playing on this when it first appeared in the park. I wonder if my mom kept the clipping.

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