Post no 499… big changes coming!

Apple Express Trains being refurbished at the diesel depot in Humewood, reflecting in the engineers pit.OK, we have a sort of "good news ,bad news" scenario for you. The bad news is that after almost 500 posts on this blog, we are ready to take a break. We have made some wonderful friends around the world, and it has been fun. We will miss you, and I know many of you enjoy your visits to see what is going on…


we meet at last ….

We are approaching our 500th post on this blog, so I thought it might be fun for you to meet us, and see some of the antics we have got up to in the interests of documenting our city for this blog....Sue uses the tripod to help climb out of a graveyard after a sunrise stroll....while Max does a quick battery change on board the visiting Portuguese ship Sagres, with a fascinated grandson looking on.


Parliament Street afterparty

This isn't the greatest photo, again the light was green in our favour and there was no time to compose or zoom. It was taken recently from the intersection of Russell Road and Rink Street just before 5am on a Saturday.The Parliament Street all night party begins to ease up, and the last revellers converge on the apron of the Service Station across the road, dancing to music that blares from various cars. All this would be quite festive if…

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Nanaga (pronounced none – ugh -ah)

Please excuse the hiatus, we have been in East London for a few days visiting family, and both forgot our cables to go online with our cellphones. About 50 km out of PE, on the freeway running eastwards along the coast, you reach a famous intersection, and here you decide whether to take the road North through Cradock, NE through Grahamstown, Or East along the coastal road to Port Alfred and East London. A popular landmark for the last 30…


Secret Army

Today's post is very different from the normal travel and nature pic I usually post. I've wanted to experiment with this for some time now and the other day went and bought myself a pack of green toy army men. I had some fun with it and looking at the pics afterwards I already have different ideas for the next attempt.


Knysna Sunset

The Knysna Heads is one of the best know landmarks on the Garden Route. The sea pushes into the Knysna Lagoon through the Heads, which is short for headlands. The Eastern Head has a very - and I mean VERY - upmarket residential area on it, while the Western Head is a protected area called Featherbed Nature Reserve. Sunset over the Knysna Lagoon For more awe inspiring photos from all over the world, visit Skywatch. Just follow the link.


Msenge Lodge

Over the last couple of days I have posted pics from my visit to Pumba Private Game Reserve and will probably have a few more over the next day or two. Pumba has two lodges. The one is called Pumba Water Lodge and is situated on the edge of a dam, while the second one, Msenge Lodge, is a little further into the reserve in the bush. I got to stay at the latter one of the two. Today I…


Bus Rapid Transport System

There has been a lot of conflict lately between the Taxi drivers and the Municipality, over the building of a Rapid Bus system. This has left construction at a standstill, and Govan Mbeki Ave from the bottom of Evatt Street to the corner of Albany Rd is reduced to 1 narrow lane either way, and no parking available, even outside the main Post Office. Hopefully the current agreement will be honoured, and the town can return to normal soon!


South African Blog Awards

Time for some shameless self promotion. It is time for the annual South African Blog Awards and this year is my first opportunity to try and get my blog nominated. In the right hand bar there is a big orange tag. Please click on it if you think my blog is worth nominating. You will see I threw my name in a couple of hats. "Wie nie waag nie, wen nie" According to the rules you need to nominate at…


spots and stripes

Kragga Kamma Game Reserve on the outskirts of town, we are truly lucky to have a place like this, where we can enjoy our wildlife so close at hand.