Looking down from Maitlands dune

Over the last two days I have featured the view of the beach at Maitlands as well as the Maitlands dune. Today I want to finish off the visit to Maitlands with a picture of the view from the dune. Ok, so I didn't climb to the top, but I was still pretty high up the dune. Anyway, been there, done that. Looking down you can see the Maitlands river mouth and the lagoon. Port Elizabeth is situated to the…


Maitlands sand dune

Yesterday I showed you the view from the road down onto Maitlands beach, so today I want to show you what it looks like looking up towards the dune from the beach. I have zoomed in a bit, but you can still get an idea of how high the dune is. It is a very popular spot to go sand boarding with anything from proper sand boards to boogy boards and pieces of plywood. Tomorrow I will post the view…


My, what big teeth you have

On my visit to Seaview Game and Lion Park just outside Port Elizabeth on Sunday, this adult male white lion was lying right up against the fence allowing me to get some great close-up photos.


Monkey skull

I took Chaos Boy out to Seaview Game and Lion Park on Sunday morning while the girls attended a party. On display in the restaurant / shop area is a number of small animal skulls that they have found on the property over the years. The monkey skull was of particular interest to me and my camera.


Maitlands beach

We have had the most awesome weekend weather wise over this past long weekend. Any alien landing around here on any of the three days would have mistaken it to be a place in the mids of summer. On Saturday I took Chaos Boy to Seaview Game and Lion Park followed by Maitlands beach and we had such a super time in the outdoors. This is Maitlands beach with the Maitlands River mouth as seen from the hill approaching from…


Eastern Province Tumbling and Trampoline Trials

Bianca Budler flying through the air during her tumbling routine Yesterday we went to the Eastern Province Tumbling and Trampoline Trials in the Uitenhage Indoor Sports Centre. Chaos Boy took part in two items and got a gold and silver (see here). Tumbling and Trampoline in the Eastern Cape is of a very high standard and this becomes very clear when you realise that nine of the twenty gymnasts chosen to go to the Gymnastics World Age Group Games in…

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Barbed wire

For so long now I've been wanting to take a picture like this, but I haven't really had a chance yet. Mainly due to the lack of barbed wire in the suburbs. Electric fences, yes... Razor wire, sometimes... but not a lot of barbed wire around. So on the weekend I got the opportunity just outside town. The barb is lined up about two centimeters from the lens and the camera is set on super macro. Cars going past must…


Happy Valley stream

The little stream running through Happy Valley is actually Shark River. In the early days of Port Elizabeth Shark River used to be the town's main water supply. Shark River isn't really much of a river anymore and the water gets pumped from the bottom pool back to the top of Happy Vally which means that it doesn't have a river mouth into the ocean anymore. In actual fact the Eastern Province Rugby Stadium and the suburb of Forest Hills…

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Sign posts

I always enjoy it if I go somewhere and there is a sign post pointing towards major world cities along with distances. At that moment you realise how big the world really is and while I'm typing this the contrary is also true as within nanoseconds of clicking publish post this post will be available world wide. This one stands on the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town... ... while this one is situated at Cape Point