Fishermen or Anglers?

What are the difference between fishermen and anglers? In my book, fishermen are the guys who actually catch fish and anglers are those who ... well, get home and tell you about the big one that got away. Here my Boet (sitting) and his buddy Phil is fishing angling on the banks of the Gamtoos River. The previous day they went out with the boat for about 3 hours and got nothing. On this morning they got about 6 tiny…


Happy Halloween

Halloween isn't the biggest thing around here in South Africa. There are a couple of shops that sell some Halloween party decorations and gimmicks, but other than the odd Halloween party here and there, it kinda passes us by without much of a hoohaa. But I do want to wish my American and Canadian blogging friends a Happy Halloween though. At a loss of anything scarier to post, I'm featuring a picture taken in the historic St Mary's Cemetery.


Kragga Kamma Golf Course

I don't get much chance to play golf. Perhaps twice a year, which means I'm anything but a skilled golf player. I normally play a (half) round with my brother when I get a chance and then just share his clubs as well. What makes my game worse is that although I'm right handed, I hold a cricket bat left handed. This means that I play with right handed clubs and a left handed grip which makes my swing look…


JR’s Christening

As you may know, every now and then I deviate a little off my normal photography routine to post something significant that has happened in my family.My nephew Jacques Ryan was born on 24 May 2009. His christening took place two weeks ago (yes, yes, I realise its been a while, but I just haven't come round to posting it) at St Marks church here in Port Elizabeth. He was brought into the church by my Boet's future mother-in-law who…


Morning and evening clouds

This last weekend we went camping next to the Gamtoos River. The camp site is situated between the river and a hill side covered in River euphorbia. The first picture was taken early morning (facing south) before the sun came over the ridge and the second photo was taken just after sunset (looking north). I like the way the Euphorbia made silhouettes against the sky.For more super shots and views of the sky, visit Skywatch.


St Georges Park sunset

Sunset behind the Duckpond Pavilion at St Georges Park, South Africa's oldest test cricket stadium.St Georges Park is the grounds of the second oldest cricket club in South Africa, the venue for the first Test, the first women's international Test, the last Test before South Africa's expulsion from world cricket, the first ever Test series win against Australia, the first Rebel Test, the first Test with the resumption of 'normal' cricket. . . and the sixth oldest cricket ground in…


Baby Spiders

While camping last weekend I was out early one morning looking for something interesting to photograph. For me interesting could be anything from a big landscape to the smallest little bug. I was keeping my eyes open for a spider's web with dew on it when I noticed something different. On closer inspection I found it to be a web full of baby spiders.I headed back that way just before sunset to see if I can get a nice sunset…


Gamtoos Valley Farm House

The Gamtoos River Valley around Hankey and Patensie is an absolutely stunning area. This last weekend we went camping next to the bottom section of the Gamtoos River at a camp site called Wackey Woods. Saturday morning we drove to Loerie and Melon, but unfortunately not all the way up the valley to Patensie. The area is mainly a farming area and I couldn't help but to stop next to the road leading to Loerie to take a photo of…


No Fires

Today's post is a follow up on yesterday's post on the Veld Fire in the Van Stadens Wildflower Reserve. A week or so after the fire I got to go past that way again and popped into the reserve to check out the damage. I found this scene very ironic (and funny).


Veld fire

I was going through some older pictures I took some time ago and found this one which I haven't posted before. The veld fire was burning in the Van Stadens Wildflower Reserve and the picture was taken as we were driving over the Van Stadens River Bridge going towards Port Elizabeth.