Church gate

Looking in the gate at the old church in Middleton. I didn't want to post this pic along with the original post as I thought it could stand nicely on its own.


Train grave yard

The narrow gauge Humewood Station has been in the news lately because of its rundown state. Although it always have had a bit of "character", it has deteriorated of late and fell into disrepair. Spoornet has now decided to demolish all the old structures on the property and to clean it up. I don't know if they have any plans to redevelop another station (for the Apple Express to use), but anything will look beter than what its been like.…


Sea Rescue boat

I have said so before and I will say so again. The guys of the National Sea Rescue Institude does an awesome job and often doesn't get the credit they deserve from the public. But I am having one of those everything gets critisesed and no credit gets given mornings, so I won't go into this. I took this pic of two of the NSRI guys on their small rubberduck from Shark Rock Pier at the recent Ironman South Africa…



I have had a second picture selected to be paired with a poem on The Poetry Project website (and hopefully the book that will follow). Its a site run by a cyber friend of mine who takes poems from relatively unknown poets and pair them up with pictures from local photographers. The first one was used with a poem called At God's Gate. This time around my picture below was paired with a poem called Autumn by Aboo Hansa. AUTUMNHigh…


Cuddle cubs

The Seaview Game and Lion Park is situated just west of Port Elizabeth. They have a white lion breeding program. The lion cubs are all hand reared by the staff who give them their bottles, sit up with them at night and even take them potty. Ok not potty. In their case its lawny, or grassy or sommer behind the bushy. LOL. Why I say that is that when a cub is small the mother would lick their thingies (for…

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Middleton Church

On our recent visit to Somerset East we stopped at Middleton between Port Elizabeth and Cradock. While the Damselfly and Rugrats were browsing through the farm stall, I had a closer look of the historic Methodist church that stands at the entrance to the village. The guy working in the shop asked me if I would like to see the inside of the church and unlocked it for me. The church, built in 1903, is what you would call quaint.…


Phantom ship?

This container ship sailing into Algoa Bay towards the Port Elizabeth Harbour looks just like a phantom ship in the haziness of the other day.



Barrelling along the N10 between Port Elizabeth and Cradock, most people don't even notice the little historic one horse Karoo town of Middleton. Situated about 20 km before reaching Cookhouse, Middleton is a charming little village steeped in history dating back to 1879. The village is situated next to the Great Fish River and includes the Middleton Manor hotel, a restaurant, pub, general dealer, bottle store, post office and camping site.What makes the village unique is that its privately owned.…


National Monument Plaque

In South Africa buildings, places and things of historical and cultural importance were declared National Monuments by what used to be the National Monuments Council. Each place was then given a brass plaque which was mounted somewhere prominent. Unfortunately a lot of these plaques have been stolen over the years and sold as scrap metal. The National Monuments Council has now been replaced by the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA). What used to be known as National Monuments are…


Flat Rocks

The area between Pollock Beach and Cape Receive is generally known as Flat Rocks. The name refers to the rocks stretching out to sea at low tide. The rocks are easily accessible and is very popular fishing site. Some of the older Port Elizabeth followers will remember the old Flat Rocks Roadhouse which was situated overlooking the sea across the road from the Humewood Golf Club entrance. The roadhouse of cause is no more. I remember the roadhouse, but I…