I’m still here. I may not have posted anything on my blog for a month but I’m still around. It’s scary though how busy my life has become between work, family, sport (the kids’, not my own) and everything else I’m involved in. The two things that have suffered the most are my blog and exercising. And to a lesser extend Geocaching. Plus my laptop at home has packed up again. You know how it is. When it rains it pours. If it would only do that literally in our catchment areas. So I’m currently trying to wrap my head around how I can juggle it all and get blogging again. In the meantime, I just had to stop on my way to the office this morning and grab this photograph to share. Doesn’t matter how busy you are, you can’t help but stop to admire true natural beauty.
Sunrise over Algoa Bay
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A beautiful shot!
I always enjoy seeing pics of beautiful birthplace. Please keep posting when you have a chance.