Regular followers of my blogs would know by now that one of my strange travel quirks is historic cemeteries. On a recent visit to Oudtshoorn in the Klein Karoo I decided to revisit the Kerk Street Cemetery in the town for a closer look.
The graveyard is an old one with most graves having disappeared over the years. In some cases there are headstone that look like they stand in the middle of nowhere and in other places you can see a grave mound but no stone.
From some of the graves I could gather that the graveyard was originally used by the historic Dutch Reformed Church down the road, but most inscriptions you can’t really make out. I’ve been trying to do some research about the cemetery on the internet but haven’t found anything other than a website with pictures of some of the grave stones. Nothing on its history unfortunately.
IMy walk through the cemetery had to be cut short because of the thorns pricking me through my slip slops. I could hear them crunch between the sole and the soil and this is what I saw when I took them off in the parking area. Eish, good thing I didn’t go barefoot.
Oh those terrible goatheads.Isn't there a museum in Oudtshoorn? Have you ever thought of doing rubbings on some of the old stones?
Oh I love old graveyards too
Those thorns must have been long, if you felt them in your shoes!Thanks for leaving a message about vineyards on my blog. I really enjoyed my memorable visit to the vineyards outside of Capetown. (Even more than the vineyards of Napa Valley in my native California.)