On Thursday I did a post on the
Concentration Camp Memorial in Port Elizabeth and mentioned that there is one outside Uitenhage as well and that I will post a pic of it at a later stage. If I have to leave it till later I will probably forget about it, so here it is. The memorial can be found at the show grounds just north of the town.
Interesting! Sad though. Been catching up with these posts – all interesting. BTW it takes me ages to download so only look at it when I have time – like a Sat afternoon whilst hubby is watching Supersport!!!!!!!!!! Must show Elaine your VW one. She applied to the Graduate programme for marketing (based in Uitenhage) and was soooo disappointed she didn't get it. She used to do lots of projects and assignments on marketing cars at Varsity. She (& 2 others) also did one in Sweden (when she was there for 6 months) for Volvo – got rave reviews from the Volvo people and had to present their project to Volvo management! She loves cars!!! Her dream car is a Mini – her goal when she has the money!!!!
Most people think that Concentration Camps started in Germany in the 40s, but up to 30,000 families of South African farmers died in the concentration camps during the second Boer war, around 1900. I think that many other countries did not bother with concentration camps; they would just kill their prisoners outright, and then have no witnesses for the massacres – look at Turkey and the Armenian genocide for example.