As you can see in the vintage photo below, in the early days of Central, (mid 1800s) this slight depression at the top of the hill was a small lake, and the residents used to get togged up in all their Victorian Splendour, and have picnics on the banks. It is now a little park.
Interesting! I didn’t know that! Do you know what church is in the back right of the old photo? As kids, we loved Trinder Square! The trees there were perfect for climbing, something my mother did not approve of her girls doing!! 🙂
This is a nice comparison photos. Hope you get a chance to stop by and see me in a blonde wig.
Diane, I think it is Holy Trinity. It isn’t the greatest photo for checking detail, but I compared it to all the big churches around there and that seems the closest.
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we posted this for Diane, because she was reminiscing about playing here. By coincidence, someone called respect copyright commented and asked for pics of havelock square, and as they were posting the comment i was posting the havelock pics! See, always pro-active around here!