The Black Widow

The glamour of jets – we love them.

This picture was taken at the Port Elizabeth Air Show in October 2006. The Black Widow as she is called, is the only flying Mirage III CZ in the world. The Mirage IIIC, a single-seat interceptor, first flew in October 1960 and was used in French Air Force until 1988. It was exported to South Africa and designated the Mirage IIICZ.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Nice looking bird and what a name for a jet! Second postcard hasn’t arrived, huh? I’m starting to believe what you said about the SA post! Anything I send to Europe via regular airmail gets there in four to five days.

  2. Neva

    I don’t know so much about jets but this is a sharp looking one!

  3. Kris McCracken

    Is it still in service?It looks like the old Lotus Formular One car that Senna used to drive!

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