
Does it get any better than this? Last weekend of the holidays, and people were making the most of it!


bonus extra

Yes, yes, I know, the rules say 1 post of 1 picture a day, but I have just received 2 more stunning pix from the GIZA Regatta, and couldn't resist sharing them with you now! So consider it a bonus, from Port Elizabeth with love! Yachts jostle for position on the start line. On the RHS on the bow is Scott Stephens part of the youngest crew sailing on Chris Frost from Durban's Pacer 3. The crew consisted of Thomas…


more of the regatta….

Here are a couple more images taken by Leon Hugo for the Algoa Bay Yacht Club during the GIZA Challenge Regatta last weekend. In the top picture, colourful spinnakers brighten up a somewhat grey bay.The bottom picture (pun intended) includes a bit of a bum view of the Commadore of ABYC, Alan Straton, (in black top and red shorts) on the yacht Cooking - a Ladd 27, owned by Gavin Stephens.I particularly like this action shot because it shows the…


Sailing along

No wonder Port Elizabeth is gaining a great reputation as a watersport capital. We recently showed you the swimming phase of the Ironman contest. This weekend PE was host to another major event. The GIZA Challenge is the Algoa Bay Yacht Club's premiere annual regatta attracting a strong fleet of local yachts as well as entries from around South Africa. We are very grateful to Alan Straton, Commadore of ABYC, for sharing some of the photos they had taken during…


And the runner up is……………..

In trying to decide which photo would depict our city for yesterday's theme, we considered many options. In the end the beach won. But this photo was one we also wanted to use, because the Donkin Reserve is the sort of PE icon image, and can be seen on the hill in the background here (the lighthouse and pyramid). Also because we are a Port, and this shows part of the harbour, and renowned for watersports, thus the yacht.

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Yacht Club series # 4

From the sublime to the ridiculous! We were on a 34 foot yacht, which is big enough to travel round the world in (admittedly you would need to have a screw loose in the brain to do it, but still!!) Two kids were having a ball scooting around in TINY little boats which were dwarfed by the big boys toys. That is until we all sailed past the container ship, and things were suddenly brought into perspective. The harbour here…

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Yacht Club series # 2

Yesterday we started on a sunset cruise at the Algoa Bay Yacht club.... meet our skipper, Doug, aboard Take 6. He is looking at the warning light beacon at the end of the harbour breakwater.


Yacht Club series #1

Recently one of our readers, Alan, kindly invited us to visit the Algoa Bay Yacht Club and take photos there. Well, we took him up on his offer yesterday, and had a wonderful time, snapping a ridiculous amount of photos (yachts and water are SO photogenic!) So over the coming weeks you will no doubt see many shots from that sunset cruise. To start us off, here is the yacht club seen behind some of its residents!


gone fishin’

Well, we thought, after the recent spate of buildings we've shown, it would be an idea to get some fresh air away from the city centre, anyone care for a beach outing? (It is SO hard to stick to one photo a day....sometimes it just seems right to add a few and show a place in its context! Today is one of those days.)This is the Maitlands River Mouth, one of our favourite scenic and fishing spots on the outskirts…