The end of the track?

The Humewood Station is Port Elizabeth's main narrow gauge station and is mainly used by the Apple Express tourist train. Big parts of the old station is in desperate need of repair while a section of it acts as a grave yard for old steam trains and rolling stock. Steam train enthusiasts would probably look at the remains of some of those trains and pick away a tear in sadness. Unfortunately the reality is that Spoornet doesn't have much use…

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Smartie (Bibo) Train

Is there anybody out there who grew up in Port Elizabeth who doesn't remember the Smartie train at Kings Beach? I remember how we went to the little kiddies pool by the train and went on rides afterwards. I still have a photo somewhere with us kids standing in front of the train. Today the pool is a quad bike / go-cart track, but the train still goes, although not called the Smartie Train anymore. The Bibo Train runs on…


Post no 499… big changes coming!

Apple Express Trains being refurbished at the diesel depot in Humewood, reflecting in the engineers pit.OK, we have a sort of "good news ,bad news" scenario for you. The bad news is that after almost 500 posts on this blog, we are ready to take a break. We have made some wonderful friends around the world, and it has been fun. We will miss you, and I know many of you enjoy your visits to see what is going on…



Admittedly steam engines are not every conservationists ideal, but there is something about them that people respond to, much more than the diesel or electric engines that run our trains these days. As of next month, the beloved apple express will be running on steam again, YAY!


Full Steam Ahead

Yesterday the crossings on the narrow gauge line in PE resounded with the friendly whistles of the first steam engine to ride on these tracks for almost 2 years. Citizens from all walks of life greeted the train with delight as she went on a test run out to Chelsea, in preparation for her maiden run, due soon. It is so good to have our steam train back, and we owe a big thank you to the enthusiasts who have…


rusty relics

Last week I went with a bunch of artist friends to the old Apple Express Depot which overlooks the harbour and "tank farm" along the beachfront. We had a ball rumaging around the steam train graveyard, and I could probably bore you into a coma for WEEKS with the pix I took of rusty old trains from every conceivable angle! Looking through the driver's window of one, the Donkin Lighthouse and Campanile can be seen peeping over the distant horizon.…


wildlife in the suburbs

If you get bored with the miniture trains, you can always go game viewing. These guinea fowl have taken "ownership" of the local neighbourhood and are a delight to watch.

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Miniature Railway

At Londt Park in Sunridge Park is a delightful miniature railway, complete with station, overhead pedestrian bridge and tunnel.It is a great place for children's birthday parties (and the accompanying adults seem to enjoy it too!)

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Port Elizabeth Station

The beautiful old Victorian Railway Station in PE underwent a renovation in the mid 80s. The round painted panels depicting scenes from the city were commissioned, and painted by Bernard Horn. A great restaurant was opened and the Station Restaurant was the in place for a while. They served all sorts of exotic African meats, like Zebra and crocodile! Sadly it went the way of the rest of PEs historic areas, and urban decay set in. Although the building is…