Cape Recife WWII Forward Observation Post

Port Elizabeth has arguably the most complete collection of surviving coast artillery buildings and equipment dating from the Second World War (1939-45) of any port in South Africa. Before the Second World War the Port Elizabeth Harbour actually had no defence in place except for Fort Frederick which was built in 1799 to guard the original landing place in the early days long before a harbour was even built. In 1942 it was decided to put harbour defences in place…


The top of the trail

Most people hiking along the Sacramento Trail between Schoenmakerskop and Sardinia Bay follows the path along the shore line in both directions not really knowing how stunning the views are from the top trail.  I had taken the bottom path many times before and got to take the top path for the first time while doing the trail with some colleagues recently.  The views are absolutely amazing.

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Walking the coast on the Sacramento

Port Elizabeth has a stunningly beautiful coastline starting with the huge sand dunes at Colchester, white sandy and safe swimming beaches on the main beachfront, a rocky shoreline along the Wildside through to the "long walk on the beach" beaches at Sardinia Bay and Maitland.  There are two guided hikes on during Tourism Month where the public has been invited to join Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism and the metro's nature conservation unit in enjoying this stunning coastline.  Follow the links for…

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Drakensberg wandelpad – Die Wandellied

Vir die een of ander rede het ek vandat ek met RaakREIS begin het en bloginskrywings in Afrikaans doen, skielik baie van die ou Afrikaanse Volksliedjies begin onthou as ek na van my fotos kyk.  Dis eintlik hartseer dat ons dit nie meer so baie sing soos wat ons gedoen het jare terug nie.  Hierdie foto is geneem op die Tigerfalls wandelroete in die Koninklike Natalse Reservaat in die Drakensberge en het my dadelik laat dink aan die Wandellied. Wandellied As ek moeg word vir…

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Sacramento Trail at Sardinia Bay

The Sacramento Trail along the coast between Schoenmakerskop and Sardinia Bay isn't just the most popular trail in the city but probably also one of the most scenic.  A couple of us decided to do the 7km long trail the other day with only myself having done it (long ago) previously.  We decided to take the trail along the shore from Schoenies and then turn up to the top trail along the vegetated dunes back from Sardinia Bay.  The reason we…

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Hiking at Sleepy Hollow

As mentioned yesterday there are several short hiking trails around the farm at Sleepy Hollow.  We did a number of them and on this specific morning headed out on the main trail, turned off past the old mines before continuing along the Bosvark Trail looping back down to the main trail.  In total there are probably just over 5 kilometers of trails at Sleepy Hollow, one of which takes you boulder hopping up to a small waterfall.

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Eerste Drif

Sleepy Hollow is situated in the Maitland River Valley which means that the Maitland River runs through the property. Duh.  That sounded better in my head before I typed it.  Anyway.  There are several trails that you can take with the main trail following the stream up the valley.  Along the way the trail passes several pools while you have to cross the stream three times.  This is Eerste Drif (First Crossing) where you can either walk through the knee deep stream or follow…

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Aloe along the Lower Guinea Fowl Trail

This time of the year most people head down to the beach during the holidays, but what if you're not into crowds, screaming kids, girls in bikini's who will never go in the water and are just there to catch the boys' eyes or just sand between your toes?  Why not do one of the many short hiking trails that can be found around the city?  The Lower Guinea Fowl Trail is one of the main very good trail there is to…