Where art tho Summer???

Summer, oh Summer, where art thou Summer?  Winter has been cold and wet. So very wet in fact that with three more weeks to go we already have the second wettest winter on recorded and there are more rain to come.  I just thought I'll post a picture I took at Pollok Beach towards the end of last Summer for a bit of wishful thinking. 

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Sacramento Trail at Sardinia Bay

The Sacramento Trail along the coast between Schoenmakerskop and Sardinia Bay isn't just the most popular trail in the city but probably also one of the most scenic.  A couple of us decided to do the 7km long trail the other day with only myself having done it (long ago) previously.  We decided to take the trail along the shore from Schoenies and then turn up to the top trail along the vegetated dunes back from Sardinia Bay.  The reason we…

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Colchester dunefield

Most people living in Port Elizabeth has driven along the N2 past the Sundays River and Colchester at some stage in their lives and would have seen the sand dunes beyond the river.  But I want to bet that very few actually realise how big the dune fields out at Colchester really is.  Its huge, as you can see from the pic I snapped on the return flight from Indaba in Durban the other day.  The Colchester Dunefields are just the first…


Lighthouse renovations

The Cape Recife lighthouse is currently undergoing a face lift so it wasn't the ideal photo subject during my Cape Recife visit with the SA Tourism photographer on Monday.  The lighthouse has been closed to the public for quite some time so I'm hoping this is a good sign and that it will be open again fairly soon.


PE is a photographer’s dream

Yesterday I had a stunning day out showing South African Tourism photographer Max Marx around this beautiful city I call home.  I have to admit that I have stopped being amazed at how amazed visiting journalists are when they see how much Port Elizabeth has to offer and how beautiful the area is.  As somebody who really loves PE I get very proud when I hear somebody like Max state that she never realised how much there is to see.  What does make me…


Cooling down at Sards

After a hot January, summer took a bit of a back seat during February.  The last week or so it's been back with force and we could get back in the pool again.  Last Sunday we headed down to Sardinia Bay for a walk with the dogs and Drama Princess couldn't resist trying out the calm waters of one of the little bays.


Alexandria Dunefield

The Alexandria Coastal Dunefield to the east of Port Elizabeth was formed over the past 6 500 years when the sea level returned to its present level after the last Ice Age.  The dunes can rise up to 140 metres, with the average dune height being 30 metres above sea level. The Alexandria Coastal Dunefield, of which the Colchester section of the dune field falls within the metro, is the largest coastal dunefield in the Southern Hemisphere one of the most impressive in the…


The lighthouse at Cape Recife

The Cape Recife Nature Reserve so has the potential to be Port Elizabeth's Cape Point Nature Reserve, just without the cliffs.  What I'm saying is that so few people really go to Cape Recife yet there is so much to do and experience.  Some of the options are visiting SAMREC, doing the Roseate Tern Hiking Trail, bird watching, fish, exploring the rock pools at low tide, walking along the beach, tons and tons of photo opportunities and for those who…


Storm over Algoa Bay

I visited Cape Recife Nature Reserve a little while ago and there was a bit of a storm brewing over Algoa Bay.  It made for a nice contrast between the dark clouds and blue sky and a bit of late afternoon light.