Beware, this road is not for sissies!

We end our journey with a warning to anyone wanting to go on this road, leave your low slung sedan at home! If you want to see the completion of the journey, and the delightful town of Patensie, you can hop across to Sue's post on the drive in the country, part 3


outlying areas #2

Yesterday we started on a journey to the nearby farming village of Patensie, via the Winterhoek mountains. Along the way (at S33 43 36, E 25 05 59, if you want to look it up on GoogleEarth) we came across one of the dams that supply PE with water. The Bridge we stood on to take this photo is called the William Snyman Bridge, Sand River. I have done a more detailed post about the first part of the journey…


outlying areas # 1

We went for a wonderful drive yesterday, along the Eland's River Valley, round to the little farming village of Patensie. It is one of those "where do I start situations because we went BALLISTIC taking pictures, the scenery changed around every bend, and each view was worth several shots... ho hum. Anyway, in coming days we will post a few here, but if you like what you see and are interested in seeing more, we will have lots on our…


The sailor who did not return – Graveyards #2

Another in our new series on Graveyards. This head stone, at St Mary's Cemetary, South End, bears mute testimony to George Urquhart, master of the barque Shepherdess who drowned off Cape Recife in 1859. This was before the Cape Recife lighthouse was built. Cape Recife has some treacherous currents and reefs and has claimed many a ship that has ventured in too close to shore. These days with instant worldwide communications, it is hard to imagine what it must have…

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And the runner up is……………..

In trying to decide which photo would depict our city for yesterday's theme, we considered many options. In the end the beach won. But this photo was one we also wanted to use, because the Donkin Reserve is the sort of PE icon image, and can be seen on the hill in the background here (the lighthouse and pyramid). Also because we are a Port, and this shows part of the harbour, and renowned for watersports, thus the yacht.

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February Theme Day: When People think of PE, they think of….

Beachfront holidays, wonderful weather offering fun in the sun on sweeping expanses of white sand, safe swimming, the Pier, and the entertainment complexes around it.Many other City Daily Photo Blogs around the world are also participating in this theme, pop in and pay them a visit.Portland (OR), USA - Menton, France - Monte Carlo, Monaco - Memphis (Tennessee), USA - Manila, Philippines - San Diego (CA), USA - Anderson (SC), USA - New York City (NY), USA - San Diego…


Graveyard Series #1

Whenever we happen to wake up around sunrise, and find that it is misty, we stroll off to the historic graveyard nearby, because it offers such great opportunities for atmospheric shots. The old graves (most from around 1840 -1870) are fascinating, and in this series we will look at some of them in detail, but we will also just enjoy some of the 'bigger picture' type of view as well, like this.....

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Wire artists

Most Zimbabweans seem to have an inate artistic flair. It is always inspiring travelling there and being surrounded by so much creativity. Sadly, these days, due to the desperate situation in their county, over 3 million have fled to South Africa looking for opportunities to feed their families. Even as far South as Port Elizabeth, many street corners show displays of their work, wonderful wood carvings, metal work, woven grass furniture , beaded wirework etc are all available at roadside…


Casino Heist

Here is a view of the Casino Complex and Shark Rock Pier you won't see every day. Taken from a yacht last week, as we headed back to the harbour. The Casino was held up in heist early yesterday.... notch another one up to the criminals who seem to have free reign here these days. (I guess when the new President of the ruling party spends more time with his lawyers that he does in his office, ducking all sorts…