Reflections of history

Sometimes when we go for early morning walks to catch the sunrise over Algoa Bay, we see more than we bargained for. Here is a shot of the historical suburb of Richmond Hill relected in the windows of the Eric Tindale building.On top of the hill we have a lovely quiet suburb, but a short walk below us is the city centre. Not too busy at 7:00 in the morning.


Shark rock Pier #4, an unusual view

Here's a view of the Pier you won't see every day.... taken from a yacht when we were lucky enough to go sailing a couple of weeks ago. If you live in the area, and think this looks cool, do yourself a favour and check this out... on 23rd and 24th of February, the Algoa Bay Yacht Club is having an open weekend to introduce the public to the joys of sailing.And here's a bonus shot, with another of the…


Shark Rock Pier #2

Shark Rock Pier is a relatively new feature of the PE coastline. Construction of the 137m long reinforced concrete pier was started in 1988, to save on of our main beaches from erosion. In common with many coastal spots (the same is happening in St Francis Bay to an alarming extent) a combination of the stabilisation of mobile dune fields in the city by alien Port Jackson Willows, together with the construction of buildings and roads, cuts the feed of…

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Shark Rock Pier #1, Grandstand View

It is hard to take a picture of our main beachfront these days without somehow including the Shark Rock Pier, so we thought we might as well feature it in a variety of moods. First up, one day as I was driving past, I spotted a school of dolphins cruising past, and swung into the carpark to photograph them. By the time I got there, the last few were just passing the end of the pier. Can you imagine what…


I love Africa #2

Since we are on the subject of our interesting 1st world/3rd world blend, here's another sight we commonly see around here. There are all sorts of controversies surrounding the care of the donkies and the threat to motorists on busy roads, but they do provide a living to enterprising people who would have no other way to survive, and they are certainly are picturesque! Here they are in the upmarket suburb of Walmer.


I love Africa

This lady, walking down the main street in the new pedestrian mall section, is wearing modified traditional clothing. (The modern scarf covering the head and apron replace the wonderful traditional clothing of the rural Xhosa.) These women are incredible, they have the ability and strength to carry huge weights and difficult shapes on their heads while walking along. Potential models should come to them for lessons, I don't know if you have ever tried this, but it is NOT EASY!…


Hideousness from the 80s

This is the Mount Road Police Station. It is hideous on many levels, the most apparent being the austere looking architecture which is typical of many apartheid era government buildings. There is a sort of repressive nazi look about them before you even know what went on inside. This building has a nasty history. It was previously called Louis Le Grange Square, named after the then Minister of Law and Order, who was responsible for some of the worst human…


The wheels of Justice ….

This bright and cheerful looking building is part of the new section of the Law Courts in North End. It is a bit misleading, because most people who are going inside are far from cheerful. Whether you are a defendant, or a witness, usually the process of the trial is taxing for all. Max and I found ourselves there this week to give evidence against an intruder we caught in October 2006. (18 months ago!!!!!) If you want to know…