Holy Rosary Convent

Holy Rosary Convent in Bird Street is another historical building that has been trashed. With the initiatives of the Mandela Bay Development Agency and the Heritage Trust it is hoped that steps can be taken to reverse this tide and restore these buldings to their former glory.



One does not begrudge any entrepreneur the chance of making a living, but the way this sign has been scrawled on this wall, in Bird Street, seems to indicate this is also another contribution to the urban decay we see in so many parts of Central.

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Algoa FM

What an idyllic setting. A view of the Algoa FM studios from the 34 Degrees South restaurant at the Boardwalk.


Mime or mannequin?

At first glance this mime artist looks like a mannequin and when you ask if you can photograph him, he does not answer and he does not move a muscle. Mmmm you wonder am I talking to plastic? Then after taking the picture and dropping some money in the box, he comes to life with a sudden movement and then takes on a new pose. You can often see this guy at the Boardwalk complex.



Railway yards and harbours are the source of great photo opportunities. Somehow the rusty objects lying around, and the shadows they cast, can yield wonderful abstract images. This was taken at the harbour.


On the dry dock… happy birthday Madiba

An outing of a group of artists to the Algoa Bay Yacht Club yesterday yielded all sorts of interesting subjects (for painting and photography!) Duncan Stewart was drawn (hehe) to the view of Free Spirit getting some t.l.c. on the dry dock.And dry dock is perhaps a fitting way to lead into the significance of this day.... because our loved and highly respected past President, Nelson Mandela, turns 90 today. He may be in dry dock now, retired and needing…


Parliament Street again

We recently featured the top section of Parliament street, which is undergoing an upgrade, and had some interesting feedback in the comments from one of the property owners in the area. We also showed the cafe in the middle.This is lower down the hill. I love driving or walking down this street and arriving at this point with a glimpse of the bay in the gap, and recently painted buildings on the left. The beige one on the extreme left…



This old beauty was spotted at the South African Airforce Museum last weekend, undergoing a facelift. In the background you can see a Trojan T28 training plane, part of the very impressive stable of local aerobatics legend Stu Davidson. If you are at all into aircraft, the museum is well worth a visit. It is not everyday you get a chance to get up close and personal with Mirage fighter jets, vintage planes and assorted helicopters all in one building!…