Gracious old home

This gracious old home, on the corner of Newington and Dickens Streets, is now used by financial brokers. The house and all the architectural detail is beautifully maintained and it remains one of the iconic land marks of Richmond Hill.


Totem pole

We came acoss this brightly painted pole in Clarendon street the other day and it looks like someone had a lot of fun painting it. Unfortunately it also looks like many people have placed their offerings of litter at the base of the pole. Come on good citizens you can do better than that!


It was a dark and eerie night……

Actually, it was warm, breezy, and a full moon was rising over the harbour. So after a night out with old friends, we went up to Fort Frederick to enjoy the view. Not the greatest photo, but it sort of captures the atmosphere.


St Phillips Guest House

The St Phillips Guest House is one of the more upmarket guest houses in Richmond Hill. It was built in 1912, as the rectory for the St Phillips Church. It is situated in St Phillips Street, alongside the historic St Phillips Church.

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On a clear day…

This is the spectacular view from our daughter's bedroom door in Richmond Hill, on one of those lovely crisp days when it has rained, and cleared and everything is crystal clear. In the foreground you can see the fish farm near the harbour, beyond that a ship approaches port, and beyond that St Croix Island floats on a shimmering horizon. We are actively involved in neighbourhood patrols, spending several hours in the middle of the night each week, trying to…


For Brenda….

This is for regular reader and ex-PE girl Brenda, who lived here a while back. We featured a "Then and Now" of her at the house in 1949 (now now, it isn't gentlemanly to do the maths!) recently and she wanted to see how it looks now, so here you are.


Eccentric plant pot…..

....or, making the best of a bad situation! This tree on a sidewalk in Mackay Street, Richmond Hill that was cut down has regrown, leaving the rather odd stump surrounding the new tree. Someone with a quirky sense of what is stylish decided to "beautify" it!

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Community get together…

Richmond Hill and Central have earned themselves reputations as the crime hotspots of Port Elizabeth. To a degree there may have been some justification for this, but that is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. The activities of the Richmond Hill Sector Crime Forum have made the area an uncomfortable place to commit crimes in, and there has been a marked drop in crime stats recently. This is because the community, instead of isolating themselves behind bars, have joined…

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St Philips Street Then and Now

I can't believe our 1st blogiversary slipped by yesterday, we clean forgot about it, but would love to thank all our visitors who have really become friends in the past year.One of our readers, Brenda from UK, grew up in a house which is just across the park from us. She has sent us some lovely old photos from the 1930s to 60s, and this is one taken in 1949 in St Philips Street. Note the newly planted sidewalk trees…