Cogmans Kloof

Cogmans Kloof outside Montagu is one of the famous landmarks on Route 62 through the Klein Karoo.  The Cogmans Kloof Pass passes through a poort (a poort being defined as a path through a mountain range) which runs through the Langeberg between Ashton and Montagu.  The first white farmers in the area were allocated farms from 1725 onwards and the original road through the poort was a dangerous one alongside the Kingna River which incorporates eight hazardous drifts.  To get around Kalkoenkrantz…


Waar ruwe rotse

Die berge buite Montagu soos jy deur die poort ry is absoluut asemrowend.  In die Jouberthuis Museum op die dorp hang 'n ou foto van dieslefde berg as in die foto hierbo.  Die vrou wat daar werk het gesien dat ek na die foto staan en kyk en vra toe of ek die gedig "Waar ruwe rotse" ken.  Die digter, C M van den Heever (1902-1957), was oorspronlik ‘n Vrystater en het blykbaar op 'n stadium ook in Montagu gewoon.   Die gedig…

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Sand River Getaway

A couple of week ago we spent a night along with a couple of friends at the Sand River Getaway in the Elands River Valley just to the west of Port Elizabeth.  So close to the city yet it felt like we were in a totally different area.  The Sand River Getaway has a couple of tented rooms on platforms and a big communal area which include a kitchen, lounge, dining area and ablution facilities.  Standing on the outside deck this is the…


Cockscomb mountain

One of the most prominent mountains you will find fairly close to Port Elizabeth is the Cockscomb Mountain found in the Baviaanskloof Wilderness area about a hundred kilometers or so to the west of the city.  The Cockscomb is the highest peak (1768m above sea level) in the Groot Winterhoek mountain range and got its name from all its little peaks that look like a rooster's comb.  The original KhoiSan people of the area called the mountain Naniqua, meaning “mountain in…


Twaalf Appostels

Die Tafelbergreeks strek van Tafelberg tot by Kaappunt en het heelwat bekende pieke en landmerke wat deel van die bergreeks uitmaak.  Bo en behalwe Tafelberg self is daar ook Leeukop, Duiwelspiek en Seinheuwel met die Twaalf Appostels wat die mees prominente pieke aan die Atlantiese kant van die Skiereiland is.  Die Twaalf Appostels maak vir die perfekte agtergrond teen die luukse strande van Clifton en Kampsbaai. 

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Drakensberg Amfiteater

As iemand my moet vra om een deel van die Drakensberg te kies as my gunsteling, dan is dit die Amfiteater in die Koninklike Natalse Reservaat.  Die Amfiteater se muur staan oor die 5 kilometer lank en is omtrent 1,220 meter hoog oor sy hele lengte.  Die Tugelawaterval wat 984 meter oor die Amfiteater val is dan ook die tweede hoogste waterval in die wêreld.  Ons het so 'n paar jaar terug by Mahai in die park gekamp en kon die Amfiteater van omtrent al die…

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Golden Gate Hoogland-Nasionale Park

Een van Suid-Afrika se bekendste nasionale park landmerke is die Brandberg in die Golden Gate Hoogland-Nasionale Park in die Oos-Vrystaat.  Maak nie saak of dit wit gesneeu is in die winter of gras groen is in die vroeë somer nie, dis altyd 'n welkom gesig vir reisigers oppad uit die Vrystaat na KwaZulu Natal se kant toe.  Maar moenie net deurry nie, stop vir 'n dag of twee en verken die area. 

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Visiting Table Mountain

One of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Situated within an Unesco World Heritage Site. Part of a National Park. Not just one of Cape Towns most iconic landmarks, but also one of South Africa's.   Who I am? Sound like a question from a game show with the obvious answer being Table Mountain.   Now I hope nobody got it wrong though. Table Mountain was on the top of our list of places to visit while in Cape…


Montagu Tractor Trip

The very first thing we looked up and booked when we decided to go to Montagu was the legendary Montagu Tractor Trip.  "What makes a tractor trip so special?" you ask.  Well, this isn't just any old tractor trip.  The trip takes place on Protea Farm about 35 kilometers outside Montagu and was started in 1985.  The tour meanders it's way up the Langeberg Mountain to an altitude of 1500m above see level with some of the most breathtaking views you can imagine.  We…