Montagu’s Cannon Hill

Kanonkop (or Cannon Hill) above the town of Montagu has a beautiful view across the town with this angle looking out over Montagu West.  The story goes that the original cannon which stood on this spot and dated from the 1800 was used at some stage for a salute of honor which went horribly wrong and caused a young man from the town to loose both his arms. The farmers then pushed the cannon over the edge of the hill.…


Montagu Museum

Montagu op Route 62 in the Klein Karoo het twee fantastiese museum wat besoekers aan die dorp by kan gaan inloer.  Die Montagu Museum is geleë in die ou Sendingkerk wat in 1907 gebou is en konsentreer op die dorp se kultuur-historiese skatte.  Die museum het verskeie uitstallings met die kerk se preekstoel and ander kerk items wat sentraal hieraan is.  'n Belangrike deel van die museum is die medisinale plantnavorsing wat hier plaasvind en ook uitgestal word.  Agter die museum…


Montagu Church

The Dutch Reformed Church in Montagu is one of the towns most prominent buildings and was built in 1862.  A very interesting fact that few people in the town probably know is that the church was originally painted white but after various complaints that the sun reflecting off it was blinding people too much it was painted creamy yellow.  I wanted to try something else with the picture and applied a HDR effect to it.  What do you think?


Sacred Ibis

The Leidam in Montagu in the Western Cape must be one of the best places in the area to do bird watching.  From the bird hide next to the road one can get great views and photographs of particularly sacred ibis and egrets with herons and weavers also around.  Due to the big amount of birds around the dam there is a bit of an ... odor in the air, but the quality of the sightings makes more than up…


Waar ruwe rotse

Die berge buite Montagu soos jy deur die poort ry is absoluut asemrowend.  In die Jouberthuis Museum op die dorp hang 'n ou foto van dieslefde berg as in die foto hierbo.  Die vrou wat daar werk het gesien dat ek na die foto staan en kyk en vra toe of ek die gedig "Waar ruwe rotse" ken.  Die digter, C M van den Heever (1902-1957), was oorspronlik ‘n Vrystater en het blykbaar op 'n stadium ook in Montagu gewoon.   Die gedig…

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Montagu Church roses

Whenever I find a beautiful historic building I like to take at least two kinds of photos.  One straight on to show the building itself and a second one with something in the foreground so that the building forms the background of the picture.  I would have preferred the white roses in front of the Montagu Dutch Reformed Church in the Western Cape to have been red as was the case with the Old Mission Church in Montagu, but I'm not complaining.


Old Mission Church rose

The Montagu Museum in the Klein Karoo town of Montagu is housed in the town's Neo-Gothic style Old Mission Church which was built in 1907.  At the end of 2011 we spent 10 days in the town and decided to return at the end of 2012.  After our 2011 visit I did a blog post about the museum so I don't really want to do a similar one this time around.  I did look for a nice angle to photograph the building…


Avalon Springs

When we went to Montagu at the end of last year the first thing people asked was if we were going to go to the hot water springs.  The hot water springs at Avalon Springs is probably the best known attraction in Montagu and it gets thousands of visitors every year.  We weren't particularly planning to but decided to check it out.  The pools at complex are fed by a 43ºC thermal spring originating roughly 2km's under ground and pumped to the…


Joubert House

Most people probably find town museums quite boring, but I love what they have to offer.  Its usually the best place to learn more about a town's history and there is always something, usually more than one thing, new to discover in these museums.  One such small town museum which I have discovered is Joubert House in the Klein Karoo town of Montagu.  My timing wasn't the best and I walked into the museum about 20 minuted before closing time…


Montagu Nature Garden

While exploring the town of Montagu in the Western Cape I discovered the Montagu Nature Garden on the outskirts of town.  I wouldn't really call it a garden, but rather a nature reserve as it covers quite a big area.  The Montagu Nature Garden was established in 1954, the year that Montagu celebrated its centenary.  Montagu Nature garden is situated in the most southerly part of the succulent Karoo “biome.” It has the distinction therefore of having flora of 3 regions of…