Drama Princess is an Ironkid

On Saturday Drama Princess participated in her first Ironkids South Africa and we are so proud of her for doing it.  She has been parading her medal for everybody to see for two days now, even showing it off in church on Sunday and going to the headmaster's (who has participated in Ironman himself) office at school and show him.The organisation around Ironkids was amazing and everything planned to a tee.  Ironkids start with a 60 meter swim at McArthur Pool and the kids are…


Ironman run

This past weekend was Ironman South Africa weekend in Port Elizabeth and what an incredible event it was again.  It truly is one of Port Elizabeth's flagship events.  It started on Friday afternoon with the Irongirl ladies 10 km run.  Saturday morning kicked off with the Corporate Ironman where teams of three (or individuals) do a 1/10th of the full Ironman distance.  This was followed by the hugely popular Ironkids consisting of a 60m swim and 1,2km run for kids aged…


Ironman cycling

Ironman series #6. The cycling leg of 180km was done by covering a circular route of 60km throughout Port Elizabeth and surrounds. Part of it travels down Marine Drive along the coastline with some beautiful views of the ocean. I took this pic down Sardinia Bay Road as this is as far as I was able to get. .This is the last of my Ironman posts. Unfortunately I don't have any photos of the running leg as I had didn't…


Ironman transition point

Ironman series #5: After the competitors exit the water for the second time, they leave the beach and move onto the Hobie Beach parking lot where the transition area was situated. Here the 1800 competitors collected their bikes for the 180km cycling leg. Seeing all the bikes lined up was quite a site and as I had media accreditation I thought I may be able to get in there for a couple of shots. Unfortunately I wasn't able to so…


Ironman starting point

Probably the best spot to see the start of Ironman from is on Shark Rock Pier. This year I decided to be on the beach to get some close-up shots of the competitors starting their swim, but next year I definitively would like to get the start from up here. I decided to take a walk onto the pier to get a shot anyway. At this stage most of the swimmers were on their second lap of the coarse while…


Ironman out at sea

Ironman series #3: This is the furthest turning point in Algoa Bay on the Ironman swim. They swim a total of 3,8km which is made up of two legs of 1,7km each. After the first leg they run out onto the beach before turning back into the surf. I can imagine at this point one's arms must feel like they are about to fall off. I was told that unless you are amongst the leaders, the choppy sea is the…


Start of Ironman

Ironman series #1: Today the 6th annual Ironman South Africa took place (in actual fact is still taking place as I post this) here in Port Elizabeth. Port Elizabeth hosts the only Ironman competition on the African continent. An Ironman race is a long-distance triathlon consisting of a 3.86 km (2.4-mile) swim, a 180.25 km (112-mile) individual bike time trail and a 42.195 km marathon (26 miles 385 yards ) run, raced in that order and without a break. Ironman…