Old Harbour Board Building

The old Harbour Board Building in Flemming Street in the city centre was used as the Port Elizabeth Harbour's administration building for 70 years.  The foundation stone was laid by J Searle who was the Managing Commissioner of the Harbour Board in 1904 and the building is regarded as one of the best examples of Art Nouveau architecture in South Africa.  The exterior of the building has impressive stonework while the interior has richly ornamented woodwork and stained glass windows. …


Baakens River mouth

When the first Europeans arrived in Algoa Bay, the Baakens River flowed into a fresh water lagoon where early ships replenished their water stocks from.  For some reason somewhere in the past it was decided to lay the lagoon dry and reclaim the land at the bottom of the Baakens Valley.  This led to the containment of the river in a narrow channel which floods every time it rains.  Since the building of the Port Elizabeth Harbour the river has been…


This is Eat

I have discovered the most awesome fish and chips shop at the Baakens River entrance to the Port Elizabeth Harbour.  There used to be a small fish and chips take-away called Catch 22 which recently expanded into what is now called This is Eat. This is Eat is a typical local fish and chips shop like you would find in the Cape at places like Hout Bay and Kalk Bay harbour.  You order by the counter and the food get served…


Shoving ships

Security at the Port Elizabeth Harbour gets very sticky when they see a camera which means that you don't often see pictures of things happening in there.  But every now and then you get an excuse to take one in which gave me the opportunity to snap one of the Port Elizabeth Harbour tugs guiding a container ship into place next to the container terminal quay.

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Coega IDZ aerial

The last of the pictures I snapped returning to Port Elizabeth recently was of the Coega Industrial Development Zone.  The Coega Harbour is visible on the right and Motherwell on the left.

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Coega Harbour aerial

Last weekend I posted aerial pictures of the Colchester dune fields and the Swartkops River area taken on my flight home from Indaba in Durban recently.  I've got two more pictures I took approaching Port Elizabeth which I would like to show.  Today's one is the Coega deep water port.  With the completion of the Coega Harbour Port Elizabeth became the first city in South Africa to have to commercial posts.


Kalk Bay Harbour

Compared to big city harbours the fishing harbour at Kalk Bay really has something special to it and when visiting you won't get stopped by security at the gate, except if the parking lot is full.  Kalk Bay Harbour is primarily a fishing harbour so that is what you will see.  Fishing boats leaving pre-dawn and returning in the afternoons with their catch, fishing boats off loading and fishing boats moored at quayside.  The majority of the boats in the harbour are painted…



The Ibhayi, one of the Port Elizabeth harbour tugs, busy pushing a container ship into position at the container quay in the harbour