Donkin Reserve Timelapse

[youtube=]Today's Video Friday post is another of Duncan Noakes' excellent time lapse videos.  This one is of the iconic Donkin Reserve and the Port Elizabeth harbour beyond as the sun goes down. Stunning!

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Harbour aerial

The Port Elizabeth harbour was built in 1933 after the completion of the Charl Malan Quay (No.1 Quay, now used as the Container and Car Terminals).  It is one of two harbours in Algoa Bay with the Coega Industrial Harbour being the other. The harbour wall can be seen on the right.  Going along the wall to the left is the tanker berth where the ships carrying fuel to the harbour docks and to the left of that (where the two…


City coastline aerial

Last week the Damselfly and I got to fly to Johannesburg for the annual Lilizela Awards of which I was one of the judges. Even though I get to road trip quite often working for ECTOUR, I don't fly nearly as much as I did in my previous job.  When I do and I fly alone, I like an aisle seat but the Damselfly wanted to sit by the window and it gave me the opportunity to snap a few pics…

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Coega in the distance

Coega Harbour seen from Bluewater Bay Beach. Notice the two oil rigs currently being worked on in the harbour.

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Stadium view from the beach

You know how it can happen that you see something every day without registering that you've actually seen it.  A good example is a fading sign outside a building.  You don't always realise its faded until somebody points it out to you and you have a proper look.  Well, I think the view of the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium from the beachfront is one of those.  How many people actually notice the stadium beyond the harbour when they are walking along…

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Star Wars in PE

After a late meeting on the beachfront last week I decided to snap a couple of pictures before heading home.  Looking down to the Port Elizabeth Harbour through a bit of haze it looked like a Star Wars Imperial Walker have joined the Harbour Giraffes.   Just in case you don't know what a Imperial Walker is, see below.

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Kings Beach and Fence surf spot

I wonder how many PE people have ever walked all the way down Kings Beach right up to the harbour wall.  I did it a little while ago on a beautiful day and took this picture looking back along the beach from on top of the wall.Right next to the harbour wall is a surf spot called Fence.  Why is it called Fence?  The answer I got from local surf blog Millers Local.Back before all the sand built up against…

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Aiming at Queen Mary 2

I was in Cape Town a week or so ago when the Queen Mary 2 visited the Port Elizabeth Harbour.  Man, I would have loved to see her and to take a picture to share with you.  Cue Gerhard Burger.  Gerhard dropped me a mail last night to say that he always enjoy the pictures on PE Daily Photo and to show me this one he took of the Queen Mary from Fort Frederick.  I am posting it for your pleasure with…

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Looking along Kings Beach

Have you ever walked along Kings Beach all the way to the harbour wall? Not? Then I bet you have never seen Kings Beach from this angle.  A little while ago I did just that and sneaked onto the harbour wall for a bit till a security guard looked at us funny.  So we turned around and I snapped this pic of Kings Beach as we were heading back to the beach.

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Sunset over PE Harbour

I took this photo late afternoon as the sun was setting over the city as seen returning to the harbor after cruising along the beachfront on the Jester.

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