Bromeliad flowers

I photographed these Bromeliad flowers, called by some pineapple flowers, in a friend's garden a little while ago. Bromeliads are members of a plant family known as Bromeliaceae (bro-meh-lee-AH-say-eye). The family contains over 3000 described species in approximately 56 genera. The most well known bromeliad is the pineapple, although the pineapple is the only edible one of the family. For more information, visit Bromeliad Society International.


Spider lilies

Last year in March I excitedly posted about my White Spider Lilies flowering for the first time. This year the end of March came and there were no flowers. I traveled down the Garden Route at that time and found flowering spider lilies at Fancourt outside George. I was very disappointed that mine decided not to flower this year. That was until last week when I noticed that they started to flower. I am really chuffed. Problem now is that…



I walked down this trail earlier in the morning and thought that the plumbago bush next to the road would make a nice feature in a picture of the path Unfortunately I had no subject to put in it until I walked it again a little later with the family.


Stop and smell the roses

I like roses as much as the next person. They are colourful, fragrant, romantic and can spruce up any garden. For some reason though I always find people's posts with roses in it a bit on the boring side, till I think about it and come to the realisation. Every now and then everybody needs to stop and smell the roses... Relax... Unwind... Take it easy... That's what we are doing for the next couple of days on a camping…


Strolling in Settlers Park

Taking a stroll along one of the paths in Settlers Park. In many ways Baakens River Valley and Settlers Park is the green lung of Port Elizabeth and is just so underutilized by the inhabitants of the city. It is a great place to get near nature and just away from the city's hustle and bustle.

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Toll house flowers

Flowers growing next to the old toll house on the Montagu Pass near George I am currently on the Garden Route on a business trip (with a borrowed camera in hand as mine is still in for repairs) so I am hoping to get some opportunities to take a couple of nice pics of the area to post in the near future.


Pineapple Lily

Oh YAY! My Pineapple Lily (Eucomis) finally flowered. This one seems to be called the Eucomis - "Meguru". Last year I received three plants in a pot from my mom. They never flowered so I moved the bulbs into a flower bed next to the front door in late winter. So this year one flowered. And that not too long after moving them into the garden. I'm impressed. I can't wait till next year in anticipation that more of them…