The Opera House

Ok, not the view you would expect, of the front of the building, this is backstage, so to speak! Taken from the Donkin reserve, overlooking the cliff on Whites Road, and the roof of the Opera House, to the city below. The dome of City Hall peeps over the roof in the centre, while the steeple of St Augustine's is to the right.


shadow play

In the early days, many of the historic cottages were constructed of timber clad with corrogated iron. Considering our harsh coastal conditions, it is amazing that any have survived. So many would have been removed over the years and replaced with more modern and permanent structures. One that has stood the test of time is a little cottage in Cuyler Street, Central, which, for several years, has been home to the Cuyler Street Art Gallery. This is the courtyard, with…

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skyline from sea

The skyline of PE is very different, now, to the bleak hills rising out of sand dunes which confronted the 1820 settlers. This is the view as you are entering the harbour and approaching the yacht basin. The early forefathers were responsible for many of the striking features which are so familiar on the horizon. The Donkin Lighthouse and Pyramid are real icons of PE, as are the Campanile and many of the old Church steeples. To the Right on…

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Elaine Hopewell Gallery

We seem to keep popping back to Parliament Street and vicinity, which is not too surprising because it is home to some delightful old buildings. This is actually in Ivy Terrace, but is seen from Parliament Street. From this gracious old house, Elaine Hopewell has been running her well known Art Gallery and framing business for many years. It is in one of the little pockets that you can find in Central which have remained relatively untouched by the urban…

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Cora Terrace – from the other end

We previously showed a view of Cora Terrace looking down from the Cuyler Stree end. This one is looking up from Bird Street. This is a wonderful example of owners taking pride in their homes and in upgrading of the area.


Holy Rosary Convent

Holy Rosary Convent in Bird Street is another historical building that has been trashed. With the initiatives of the Mandela Bay Development Agency and the Heritage Trust it is hoped that steps can be taken to reverse this tide and restore these buldings to their former glory.



One does not begrudge any entrepreneur the chance of making a living, but the way this sign has been scrawled on this wall, in Bird Street, seems to indicate this is also another contribution to the urban decay we see in so many parts of Central.

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Parliament Street again

We recently featured the top section of Parliament street, which is undergoing an upgrade, and had some interesting feedback in the comments from one of the property owners in the area. We also showed the cafe in the middle.This is lower down the hill. I love driving or walking down this street and arriving at this point with a glimpse of the bay in the gap, and recently painted buildings on the left. The beige one on the extreme left…


A corner of town…

I love this street corner in Parliament Street.... because it has so many interesting elements, like your classic corner store, or the very acute angled corner building in the background, and the view of the sea peeping over the horizon. And if you stand and look down the street to the left, you get a stunning view across Russell Road to the graveyard, and the historic old NG Church in Richmond Hill...... a scene I painted recently.I had a phonecall…