Closing the Voting Line chain

Drama Princess closing (or at least trying to) the link between the kids at the end of the Voting Line and the Madiba figure on the Donkin Reserve.  The Voting Line, an art piece by Anthony Harris and Konrad Geel, consist of life-size laser-cut figures simbolising voters as they were seen in the country's first democratic elections in 1994 and forms part of Rouet 67.


Concorde on the Donkin

Anybody seeing the Fish Bird art piece by Dolla Sepata on the Donkin Reserve for the first time would be forgiven if they think it represents a Concorde coming in to land.  The Fish Bird is a very abstract piece representing a combination of fish in the bay and birds on land and is returning to the Donkin to take ownership of this transforming site.

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Jumping on the Donkin

The schools were closed on Friday and I had to take Drama Princess to work with me for the day.  Somewhere during the morning we popped up to the Donkin Reserve to drop of maps and brochurs at the visitor information center there and we went for a quick walk around some of the artwork forming part of Route 67.  Obviously the camera went along and Drama Princess decided that a plain straightforward picture of her posing on the mosaic next…

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Voting Line scenes

The Voting Line must surely be my favorite art piece along Route 67.  I just can't get enough of looking at the figures and every time I'm there it feels like I'm noticing a different feature. 

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South End art sculpture

 Most of the art making up Route 67 is located around the Donkin Reserve and the city centre.  There are a couple of installations making up the 67 art pieces of the route that aren't located on the direct walking route though.  One of these is the South End glass sculpture on the island in the parking area next to the South End Museum.  The sculpture commemorates the families that were forcefully removed from the old South End under the Group Areas Act.  The glass…

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Madiba on the Donkin

I haven't been to the historic part of PE for a while and the pictures on PEDP probably shows that.  Between work and family I have just been so busy that I haven't been to try out my new camera in the old part of town.  A quick stop at the tourism visitor centre at the Donkin Reserve to drop off brochures gave me a chance to snap one or two pictures before I had to rush off again.  Just…


Mandela quote

One of the Mandela Quotes way markers along Route 67 on the Donkin Reserve.There is nothing as bad as a leader making a demand which you know can never succeedNelson Mandela (1992)

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The Fugart Kite

The iconic South African playwright, Athol Fugard, has very close links to Port Elizabeth.  His famous play Master Harold and the Boys is set in St George's Park where his mother ran the St George's Park Tea Room.  An important part of the play includes a kite which the character Sam makes Hally (Fugard).  Here is my question for you today.  Have you ever noticed the kite "art piece" across the entrance to the St George's Park swimming pool where the tea room used…

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