Sky Watch – Whirly Bird

Well this is one way to cruise the coast in style. This shot was taken at Schoenmakerskop, looking towards the Maitland River Mouth and Beach View.Most of our visits to other sky watch posts will be as either Suzi-k or Max-e.Visit Tom at Wiggers World for more Sky Watch pictures.


Come fly with me…

Port Elizabeth airport is not the biggest on the planet, and although it has had a few upgrades over the years, it is still basically a small town airport. The runway is not long enough for the jumbo jets and the new airbusses, so traffic is automatically limited to smaller volumes on each flight. Although there has been talk for many years about lengthening the runway, nothing has materialised yet. But it suits us. If I had to choose between…


The Black Widow

The glamour of jets - we love them.This picture was taken at the Port Elizabeth Air Show in October 2006. The Black Widow as she is called, is the only flying Mirage III CZ in the world. The Mirage IIIC, a single-seat interceptor, first flew in October 1960 and was used in French Air Force until 1988. It was exported to South Africa and designated the Mirage IIICZ.


Looking for baddies!

I was visiting a friend yesterday, whose house overlooks the same valley that is featured in our first post. They have spectacular views right across the bay. On a clear day the unspoilt dunes on the other side show clearly. Suddenly the view from the window was filled by a helicopter, hovering outside. We went to check out what was happening... and it was the Police, hunting for a criminal hiding in the bushes to the left of Albany Road,…