The St Mary’s Cemetery is probably the oldest formal cemetery in Port Elizabeth and can be found close to the city centre. It is situated near the mouth of the Baakens River on the banks of what used to be the fresh water lagoon after which Algoa Bay was named. I did a post in
The Firefly Photo Files a little while ago with some more pictures of the cemetery.
Ooh, what a fantastic place for taking photographs! It looks like the cemeteries in Europe. Love your pictures, especially the last one!
What touching photographs! I agree with Karen,reminded me particularly of the old Jewish cemetry we saw in Poland. These are pretty special – one wonders what tales those old stones could tell?
Very interesting!! I like the way you’ve played around with the colours! Must say – like the sepia best as it gives them that old look! What an interesting plant(?) in the foreground of the first one! Oh yes – the stories they could tell!
Really interesting photo´s!Great shots…like always!
Love the last photo!! Stunning!
Great monochrome & sepia conversions. Gives a true historical perspective.
Beautiful.. my daughter would love to be there with her camera. She loves old cemeteries.
My sister and I visited Port Elizabeth in November 2006; our great-grandparents were married in St. Mary's Church in 1883, and their parents are buried in this cemetary. Unfortunately, we could not find their graves; so many have been vandalized over the many decades. But we did find many bittersweet inscriptions, e.g. “…sank to his rest”, “…lost at sea”, etc, that are emblematic of a seafaring society.
Hi, was wondering if you are ever back at St Mary's Cemetery if you could take a photograph for me of one of my ancestor's resting places. The location is – Plot: CD/M4 – the monument is for a M Wissing. Jenny (Australia)