We spent most of Sunday in various parts of Settlers Park enjoying this magnificent natural area right here in the heart of Port Elizabeth. Over the next couple of posts I will show off some of the picture I took in the park.
Yesterday I found out that there is a local photographic competition with wild flowers as the theme and I would like to enter a couple of photos into the competition. I want to head back to Settlers Park next weekend specially with the view of taking some flower pictures to enter, but in the mean time here are a few I took this weekend. What do you think?
Oh…what a lovely place to hike. The flowers look breathtaking.TamiP.S. You guessed correct on the picture that I posted yesterday.
I think they're lovely photos! Love the first one! What a lovely looking natural area to wander around in!
They're beautiful! The first one is my favourite too! Something about Mum and her two children wandering on a gravel road – I think it's special!
I used to live on Fordyce road, right opposite the park, and we loved going there as kids. I used to solemnly sit by the stream where there are stepping stones and warn all the passers by about the dangers of bilharzia if they stepped in the water. Looking back, I was destined to be a zoologist… and I think it all started with the tortoises in that park. I'm so glad it's still looking as lovely as I remember!
That looks like a beautiful place. And thank you for bringing spring back into my little world, where it is now rainy, chilly and definitely autumn.And please show us the pictures you take for the competition.
The first photo seems to have struck a chord – I think it's because the flowers work so well in highlighting the family group, so its a mile away from the obvious spring flower shot. Very envious of spring as we approach autumn here in the UK! Still in 80 days from now I will be back over swopping the depths of winter for lovely Cape Town summer so I shouldn't complain.