
This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Karin

    Beautiful! I love the tranquility of the shot.

  2. leilani

    WOW it took me a few to see i was looking at water !!! This is beautiful!!

  3. Avril

    Oh wow – that’a beautiful! So clear and tranquil!

  4. Avril

    Oops – ‘that’s’ supposed to read ‘that’s!’

  5. Janet

    Gosh! It took me a while! Stunning! Wish I could fall into that pool and just disappear for a while!

  6. Janet

    … sending big hugs from this rat race called Jozi! Keep your chin up – see there I go trying to be positive again!

  7. KALI

    wow! thanks for sharing. its so lovely… so relaxing to look at!

  8. Lindy

    WOW! lovely reflection photo

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