Pretty little flowers

A small patch of little wild flowers I encountered on the Sardinia Bay Golf Course the other day. Crawling around on the grass and in the flowers didn’t do my hay fever allergies any good, but anything for the picture.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Karin

    Hello Firefly! Sorry for not commenting in such a long time – I have been following, but not commenting 😉 Love these wild flowers, they are so delicate and beautiful. And I HAVE to say something about the millions of little spiders of the other day. GROSS!!!! Awesome pics though, I would have been much too creeped out point my camera at them, LOL.

  2. Marcelle

    Said like a true processional *giggle* i had this image of you on your all fours taking this pic…LOLGermany is so ugly at the moment, the beautiful autumn is on its way out and coming in is the winter depressed look…give me strength…

  3. Marka

    No, we haven't gotten laying snow yet, just the odd flurry on occasion. The snow and icicles are from last winter.

  4. Avril

    Pretty! I agree with Marcelle .. man crawling along grass taking photos of dainty flowers !!!Re your comment of my little sheep .. I also collect spoons only from places we/hubby visited so have some from places around world but he said he couldn't buy them in some places as the trend seems to have died down a bit. Pity. Bought one in Ireland though.

  5. Janet

    How pretty! I have been laughed at too, by P, crawling along the ground trying to capture a special “something” for Wordless Wednesday or the like! I still haven't found that special something, but will keep trying! Bless you, by the way! For all those sneezes!

  6. All flowers are pretty. Just think, all our cultivated ones were once wild.

  7. Gaelyn

    Love the perspective from being on the ground. Sorry to hear about the alergies. I think you've been reading too much Joan to get these ideas about crawling on the ground. Guess I'll have to try this.

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