
What a treat it is living in this town, on the days when the weather is perfect. There is nothing to match an evening strolling along beside the pier, or sitting at a beachfront restaurant, enjoying a meal, and watching the sun go down.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Les

    Superb colours to create the evening atmosphere. Looks like a great place to stroll in the evening.

  2. Firefly

    Amen. Tonight is another great evening. Summer is a coming.

  3. Kate

    Beach communities are my favorite. If I could, I’d live in one year round. Love the light and dark in your photo.

  4. Jeanne

    You are so right – when the weather in PE is good, it’s the best place in the world – mild and wonderful. Would love to pop up to Blue Waters for a calamari steak!

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