To avoid too much traffic congestion around the stadium (as well as the fact that there isn’t too much parking available), the city has implemented a Park & Ride system during the 2010 FIFA World Cup. There are three designated and secure Park & Ride areas around Port Elizabeth where soccer fans can leave their vehicles and take the shuttles to the stadium. This is the Park & Ride on the beachfront that are used mostly by those fans staying in the hotels and guesthouses in that area. Most of the minibuses are taxis that has been subcontracted during the event while the buses are part of Port Elizabeth’s new Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) system.
Hello there! Many thanks for your great blog. I really enjoy seeing what PE looks like, as I've never actually visited the city, even though I'm from 'up the road' in Joburg.I would be very interested in seeing more of your BRT buses, particularly the interiors, and your impression of how successful the service is.Cheers!Tom (Urban Joburg)
Good idea to reduce traffic congestion. Those minibus/taxis look like the kind I kind of bumped near Mt Ferer.
Organised tranport – arrive alive! All vehicles look so new and clean – wonderful way to travel.Keep posting the pictures – work prevents me from getting to the soccer – hoping for tickets fro Friday.
We used the one from the Fan Park to the stadium. It was great. We managed to park about 5 meters away from the bus, there was no que or anything. So well organised! I am so proud!!!
I have only heard fantastic reports from friends and family using the park & ride system – they say it is incredibly efficient and well organised, and everyone is so friendly. Like the previous commenter said – SO PROUD!
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