Paddle cruiser at sunset

The Featherbed Company’s Paddle cruiser moments before departure for the sunset cruise on the Knysna Lagoon.
Visit Skywatch for some more breathtaking views of the sky.

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Sylvia K

    Lovely captures of beautiful, golden skies! love the reflection on the water! Hope you have a great weekend!Sylvia

  2. Anonymous

    Wonderful Golden light!Thanks for sharing their departure!

  3. leilani

    omg Fire! thats is BEAUTIFUL!.. it looks like a movie!

  4. Gaelyn

    What a great way to see Knysna, plus you've caught it so well. I saw it from the Heads yet didn't get to spend enough time around Knysna. Next time.

  5. Bellybytes

    What a way to go out into the sunset!

  6. Yogi♪♪♪

    What a great surprising relaxing unexpected photograph.

  7. WONDERFUL picture of it Jonker. A trip like this is a must when in the area. I cannot believe how much the town has grown over the years.


    That's a grand shot.

  9. Marcelle

    Breathtaking photo and venue!!

  10. Tara R.

    A beautiful sunset, and a lovely night for a cruise.

  11. Owlfarmer

    This one's a classic sunset image–and makes me want to fly down and take the cruise. Alas, I'll have to enjoy it vicariously, so thanks for posting such an evocative shot.

  12. Perry

    Not bad, not bad indeed! 🙂

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