
The Karoo is well known for its many different succulent species. Driving through some parts of the Karoo, specially around the Jansenville area, one will find a variety of euphorbia plants. One in particular stands out. The local euphorbia are smallish, thorny plants with a milky sap and are known as noors, giving the region its name of Noorsveld.
It is uncertain where the word noors comes from. The plant with its yellow flowers reminded the British of gorse and it is thought the gorse was evolved to noors by the Dutch settlers settling in the area.

The noors only flowers in dry conditions and not when it is full of water after good rains. The noors is often chopped as fodder for stock with the result that Noorsveld farms can carry more livestock than farms in Karoo conditions where the noors does not occur.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Marcelle

    I need to see green and flowers please, here the world is so so so grey and dry looking….*giggle*

  2. Zane

    Impressive close ups of spiny plant

  3. Gaelyn

    I really like the shape of the tall clusters with yellow flowered tops. But those thorns look wicked. And cattle eat that? Great macros.

  4. Janet

    How pretty! I love the Karoo – there is a desolate, quietness about the place! Have you been to Niew Bethesda? I would love to back to the Owl House. You should plan that trip if you haven't already done it! Some interesting photo opportunities there! 🙂

  5. What pretty plants are found in these arid areas Jonker. They know how to survive better than we do.

  6. leilani

    For me its amazing HOW diverse SA is! Dry , wet, ocean BLUE BLUE skies! absolutely beautiful! Thats just the plants and landscaspe, you guys got animaqls too!

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