On Saturday evening No7 Castle Hill celebrated Museum Week by having a “Night in the Museum” evening. Visitors could visit No7 after dark between 6pm and 9pm and with some of the lights turned off to gave it a very special atmosphere. Each child received a treasure hunt page with items found throughout the museum on it as well as a little battery operated “candle”. Although I have been to No7 Castle Hill so many times before it was a great opportunity to go through it with my family and see it in “another light”. Here the Damselfly and Drama Princess checking out the oven in the old kitchen before we headed back upstairs for coffee and rusks.
Night in the (No7 Castle Hill) Museum
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Very nice idea
BTW. Port Elizabeth has a kinder summer climate. As I watched my plant go into shock and die an agonising slow death, I read up about the icecream bush. Sub-tropical Euphorbia from Madagascar. NOT happy in our Porterville summer. And I wanted those pink leaves with my pink roses!
Are Hansel and Gretel inside?
This sounds like a unique and fun learning experience.
What about 5 Castle Hill Street? Does anyone have any photos of the home in the early days? My mother lived there as a child and would love to see an old photo of number 5