At the top of the Gamtoos Valley one would find the Kouga Dam, one of Port Elizabeth’s three main water supply dams. The Kouga Dam was the first double arch dam to be built in South Africa. Other than for urban use, the dam is also the main supplier of irrigation water to the Gamtoos Valley. The pic was taken a little while ago when the dam last overflowed.
More information on the dam can be found
Very beautiful photo!Thank you for your interesting link!Have a nice day.
Shocking to admit this…BUT…I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THIS DAM…*pulling a face as embarrassed*
You can sure see by the bathtub ring how low that reservoir is. Drought seems like a common story all over the world.
Brings into focus how vital water is for life.
Oh gosh, that is low!! Well let us hope that this summer there is going to be more than enough rain to bring levels back up again.
This brings our water crisis into perspctive.
Ouch! That is mighty low. I think we on the west coast USA are good for this year but others are not so fortunate. You would think that with global warming there would be more water in the air (and more rain) due to the melting polar caps. Great shots of the dam too! The first really tells the story.
Just an update … 11 June 2011, Kouga dam started overflowing the wall.