The Karoo Heartland has a unique beauty which I have really learned to appreciate more and more as I have gotten older. If you’re a forest or beach person then the Karoo may not be for you, but if big skies and open spaces feed your soul then there is no better place. One of my favorite Eastern Cape Karoo Heartland landmarks is the Koffiebus and Teebus mountains outside Steynsburg. Although there are many similar Karoo koppies throughout the whole region, the fact that there is a thick one (the coffee pot) and a thin one (the teapot) next to each other like this is quite noticeable.
Koffiebus and Teebus on a moody day in the Karoo
- Post author:fitravel
- Post published:03/11/2017
- Post category:Uncategorized
- Reading time:1 mins read