How low can you go? Post author:fitravel Post published:11/09/2010 Post category:Uncategorized Reading time:1 mins read I was watching these guys perform at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town the other day… … and this guy actually went under a burning rod balanced on dumpy (500ml) Coca-Cola bottles Tags: Cape Town, entertainment, V'nA Waterfront, Western Cape Read more articles Previous PostMilnerton Lighthouse Next PostOx wagon You Might Also Like Guess where we are today? 29/11/2008 hehe, make a rule, then break it….. 14/10/2008 Algoa FM 21/07/2008 This Post Has 3 Comments Gaelyn 11/09/2010 OMG, that gives me a back ache. Marka 12/09/2010 Dang! That's impressive. SAPhotographs (Joan) 14/09/2010 OUCH!! My aching back!! I hurt for him!!Great pic Jonker. I wonder if these people have bones in their bodies. 🙂 Comments are closed.
SAPhotographs (Joan) 14/09/2010 OUCH!! My aching back!! I hurt for him!!Great pic Jonker. I wonder if these people have bones in their bodies. 🙂
OMG, that gives me a back ache.
Dang! That's impressive.
OUCH!! My aching back!! I hurt for him!!Great pic Jonker. I wonder if these people have bones in their bodies. 🙂