Fire in Albany Road

Albany road seems to be an interesting road, recently we featured floods there, from a burst pipe…

Yesterday, as I often do when I am wandering around the house, I looked up to check the view through the front window, and there wasn’t one! I checked the side window to see if a mist was coming in but it was bright and clear… so I realised I was looking at a fire in the valley.

Luckily the fire department were already there….

And the smoke was soon joined by clouds of steam as they hosed down the surrounding vegetation.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Firefly

    I just love the first photo with the window? in the background just visible. Luckily the fire didn’t start when the wind was blowing like it is today.I just noticed I am visitor number 40 000.

  2. The Wizard of D

    Hey…just chanced upon your blog.Very interesting…. your blog is an ecellent resource on PE…I have heard SA is a very beautiful country. Your pics certainly confirm it!! Cheers

  3. Jeanne

    Shudder… those pics remind me of growing up in a house right on the Baakens Valley (off Thomas Road in Walmer) and one year having a huge bushfire coem sweeping up the valley in hot dry february, with a roaring wind fannign it. The fire department came to our door and told us to evacuate as they could not guarantee our safety, and I rememebr grabbing all my photo albums, diaries and ID book and chucking them in the boot of the car before we all retreated from the house. It was really nerve-wracking and we were very relieved when they got the fire under control metres from our garden wall. Since then, I have always been uneasy when I smell smoke in PE…What wonderful clouds!

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