Port Elizabeth (through the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality) has been using the “Feel it in the Air” campaign in the run up to the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The campaign involved “cloud men” playing soccer. I took this pic of the 2010 branding featuring “Feel it in the Air” from the Humewood train bridge. The bus in the pic is one of the new buses that is used on the new Bus Rapid Transport system (BRT) routes and is ferrying soccer supporters from the Park and Ride at Kings Beach to the stadium.
Click the link to see the “Feel it in the Air” advert on YouTube.
For more picture that you need to look skywards for, visit Skywatch.
COngrats to your city for being host of WC 2010!Greeting from Indonesia.
nice capture, nice gamesHolland just won another game
Great shot.Sydney – City and Suburbs
Great to see football bringing an improvement in the infrastructure & public transport.
Hi! I really enjoy your web-site. It keeps me in touch with my favourite city.Were you aware of THIS? http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=nl&geocode=&q=Marine+Drive,+Port+Elizabeth,+Zuid-Afrika&sll=52.133864,4.453446&sspn=0.009589,0.019248&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Marine+Dr,+Port+Elizabeth,+Eastern+Cape,+Zuid-Afrika&ll=-33.966356,25.627584&spn=0,0.07699&t=h&z=14&layer=c&cbll=-33.965271,25.627338&panoid=6tAA4EPhmdSInQWU88Hw-A&cbp=12,289.11,,0,3.12
What a lot of excitement in you area at the moment!
Great shot!