Have you even noticed that you will always find Egyptian Geese where ever there is water. Lakes, dams, rivers, ponds and even on the off chance a backyard pool. When the Boardwalk development opened in Port Elizabeth some years ago it wasn’t long before a pair moved in and they have been there ever since, hatching their chicks every year. The same has happened at the new Kings Beach development with a pair moving in very soon after completion. I snapped one of them the other day while checking up on a geocache in the area.
Egyptian goose on Kings Beach lake
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So right, seems everywhere I went with water nearby there were Egyptian Geese. But must have missed the pair at the Boardwalk.
I think they are so pretty. We had some that nested in our gardens at work, but I haven't seen them in a while. We also had some black swans there. I wonder what happened to them?
These are a strange looking bird – there were feral ones in the UK, although I have no idea if they are still there.SA is rapidly moving up my must visit list!Cheers – Stewart M – Melbourne